Tuesday 15 December 2009

Who in a Million Loves Me ?

Poem Title : Who in a Million Loves Me ? Acrostic Poem 144
Written 22/08/2009.
Who in a Million Loves Me ?
Heavens above ,my friend do you really need to ask?
Or for just a moment even think you are alone,Well do you? Do you?
In moments dark and dismal view love as a Mammalian Drive.
Not much better than a nagging hunger or an un-quenchable thirst.
Attraction being plain just as the nose upon your face.
Mating epilogue to Lust but we have no need to even venture there.
In Love there comes a time in Life beyond the three overlapping stages,
Lust turning to attraction and glory be Attachment ,hopefully for Life.
Love and Attachment is the marital bonding that promotes relationships.
In Love the Brain will constantly release the chemicals essentially required,
Only then my, Friend will you understand ,who in a million loves you.
Next time that question comes to your brain,rush to the mirror I pray.
Look in the reflection and say to yourself, I love you,I love you ,I do !
Once that task is mastered,Well what else to say? Jesus he Loves you of course.
Virtues you gather in all of Life Paths will serve your irresistible urge.
Ennobled with self love,and the Father the Son and Holy Mother and all.
Seek no longer who in a million Loves Me. Who needs my Love? Is the course.
Make way in the world convey Love endlessly, to every one that you chance to meet.
Eye contact you make ,See God as you do, soon knowing “Who in a Million Loves You”
Written in the Now gifted to The 1000th Man with grateful thanks 22th August 2009

Friday 13 November 2009

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Poem Title : The First Day of the Rest of Your Life. Acrostic Poem 155
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life.
Having finally reached Stargate Nine Nine Nine,tell me please what do you propose?
Enable me to understand, all your talk about God,all this “Love your Neighbour as Yourself”
First let me say,before you start mocking me again ,I Love God,Have always,will always.
I have also not just started loving my Neighbour, I figure everyone as my Neighbour,have always.
Remember I did not come down to Earth with the Last shower of rain,credit me pleeeze !
Security ! Security ! Search this Man immediately Did you pack this bag yourself Sir?Well did You?
Take this Man's Baggage and search it,Do you have any items with you not declared ?
Do you possess any of the following ?Assertiveness,Awareness,Benevolence and Commitment.
A Man we deported tried and failed to show a limited knowledge and that just did not do!
Yes I can see it in your Eyes you have all you need so my friend you can go right on through.
Oh, a few other things can we ask, do you have a quick wit and the wisdom of Solomon?
Faith goes without saying,you have to hold that,and your words have the rhythm of poems.
The pride that you carry,must be left on the desk and the pleasures of flesh are forbidden.
Have your acts of compassion unseen by the World,your rewards from now on,are in heaven.
Enter now the new gateway “The Rest of Your Life” don't look back, you have all that you need.
Report to that desk, No ! Just leave all your Bags, you may have them returned if you need them.
Empathy learnt ,an unlimited supply can be carried and in your case ,so widely distribute.
Spiritual learning you will gladly soon undertake,its the best way we see of improving.
To this end we've a favour to ask of you please, some luggage to take on your travels.
Only ten dusty trunks have been left by your Guides, containing over a hundred fine basic virtues.
Feed these virtues on I beg ,they are no weight ,God gives you strength,now get you going!
You have now to plan out the rest of your Life ,I know that your bold steps will not falter.
Once each day without a care to enter Meditation , plan and target Love to each and everybody.
Uppermost your focus of the Mind, will reward your humblest efforts always,always.
Reaching for the Stars in Fantasy, in reality is for dreamers. You are NOT a Dreamer.
Limitless ,the attributes you can bring,to this Life by your actions.
In the darkest World of the Blind you see The One-eyed Man is King.
From this day forth,for the Rest of your Life ,You know just where you're going.
Embark from this gate Nine ,Nine ,Nine. Fear not !This is only the Beginning.
(Written in the Now gifted to The 1000th Man with grateful thanks 9th September 2009)
Poem Title : Arrival at Stargate Nine Nine Nine. Acrostic Poem 154
Arrival at Stargate Nine ,Nine,Nine.
Remember this is only just a place in time.
Relax for now you are about to understand the true meaning of Life.
I brought you here,yes you,I brought you here,you yes you. You answered MY call.
Vain efforts made along the way, by darker forces determined to change your chosen course
All I have to say,my Dear to you is Thank you,You made it this far. Holding Gratitude with Love.
Lighting your way since your Birth in your Earthly form I thank You. Was Your Journey Tough?
All I have to say to you in this moment is Thank you for coming,for bringing me Your Talents.
Talents that I need,that we need,that the Earth Needs together in a United Universal Fellowship.
Seeds sown at your Holy conception with this moment the true target,Thank you for coming.
Thank you for your dedication ,in times of doubt,I told you not to worry. Thank you Thank you.
As I told you so many times in the Past,It will not be Easy, but you made it,with a little help.
Remember that moment long ago? When you had doubts,well that was ME just testing,sorry.
Gave you the fright of your Life,I'm sorry,I was testing,I have to do that,It made you stronger.
Atonement Tasks I set you as a result of all your sins,you passed with flying colours. Well Done!
Trials and tribulations are all part of True Real Time Life,knowledge gives the power to overcome.
Enough said,you know just what I mean,you`re here thank God,and Oh boy ,your looking Good!
Nascent ,well Yes,but your beauty took some time to mould but now you are a Triumph.
I can honestly say how pleased we are with the result,Triumph was the word we're looking for.
Naturalized and cleaned of vague intentions we are pleased to Welcome YOU with open arms.
Enter now this new gateway,nine,nine,nine, take your baggage with your Love and rest a while.
Nectar will be brought to fortify your journey on from here,you still have far to go as well you know.
I will be with you now ,as I was ever,with you and your Guides are grateful for your Love.
Now stay in the Now,await and I will call,you are on the right track ,I bless you in the Now.
Every thought ,each vision,all those actions instigated in My Name,will carry you to Higher Self.
Never Doubt Me,I know you never will,but let me reassure you I am Here. Always Here. Always.
I see you as My Rock,I can rely on you! Whilst I go forth to gather many sad and apathetic Souls.
Now with you at this gate Nine,Nine ,Nine,I want you to go forward with the shining crystal light.
Envoy of The Guardian Races thus employed,to take Mankind to that Higher Ground.
(Written in the Now gifted to The 1000th Man with grateful thanks 9th September 2009)